Hutchison girls of all ages visit our working farm regularly for a variety of unique learning opportunities. Today, in honor of International Women's Day, several classes joined school Horticulturist Mary Riddle for an early spring inspection of our school apiary where 50,000+ female honeybees currently reside.
"At this time of year, there are only female bees in the colonies," Mrs. Riddle explained while discussing honeybee population patterns.
Girls got a firsthand look at the inside of several hives as they discussed techniques beekeepers often use to support and sustain bee apiaries during the winter months when food sources are scarce.
"We're going to be adding new colonies to the apiary soon, and the girls will get to help with that process," said Mrs. Riddle. "Seeing the girls' excitement as they learn about honeybees is one of the sweetest parts about life at Hutchison."