
Admissions Process

Let's Get Started

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  • Our Admissions Process

    We encourage every family to begin the admissions process with a tour of our school.

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  • Start with a Tour

    During the admissions process, our aim is to get to know each girl - her individual strengths and talents. Admission to Hutchison is both selective and thoughtful with careful consideration given to a girl’s previous school performance, teacher recommendations, results of an entrance test or evaluation, and an interview.

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  • Priority Deadline Reminder

    Hutchison's priority application deadline is Sunday, December 1. If you are considering Hutchison for your daughter, submitting an application early is important. Prospective families cannot schedule assessments until they complete the admissions application. We will continue to accept applications after this date in grades where spaces remain available.

    Families who plan to apply for financial assistance for the 2025-2026 school year should complete the required financial assistance forms online by Sunday, December 1. To learn more about the Hutchison Financial Assistance Program, click here. To view the Clarity Family Application Guide, click here.

Admissions Criteria by Grade

2 year olds through Junior Kindergarten Applicants

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  • Admissions Events

    Every year, we host events including Fairy Gardens & Flower Crowns, Hayride at Hutchison, Holidays with Hutchison, and an open house.

    For more information, click here.
  • Applications

    Complete the online application for each child applying to attend Hutchison. Receipt of the completed application and non-refundable $75 application fee by the school formally activates the process. 

  • Assessment

    Contact the Admissions Office to arrange an appointment for the student's observation/evaluation time. This appointment will last approximately 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Teacher Recommendations

    Recommendations are required for girls already in a preschool program.
  • Upcoming Admissions Events

    For more information, click here.


List of 5 items.

  • Admissions Events

    For more information, click here.
  • Applications

    Complete the online application for each child applying to attend Hutchison. Receipt of the completed application and non-refundable $75 application fee by the school formally activates the process. 

  • Testing

    Contact the Admissions Office to arrange an appointment for the student's testing. The length of testing will depend upon the grade level.
  • Teacher Recommendations

    Recommendations are required.
  • Transcripts

    Complete transcripts including grades and achievement testing are required.


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  • Admissions Events

    For more information, click here.
  • Applications

    Complete the online application for each child applying to attend Hutchison. Receipt of the completed application and non-refundable $75 application fee by the school formally activates the process. 

  • Testing

    Contact the Admissions Office to arrange an appointment for the student's testing. The length of testing will depend upon the grade level.
  • Interviews

    Hutchison requires each applicant to participate in a 10 to 15 minute interview with one or two faculty members from the division to which she is applying. These interviews will occur after the applicant has visited the school.
  • Teacher Recommendations

    Recommendations from a student's English teacher, math teacher, and school principal or counselor are required.
  • Transcripts

    Complete transcripts including grades and achievement testing are required.

Learn More

We welcome your inquiries and encourage you to visit our beautiful 52-acre campus for a tour. For more information, please fill out our online inquiry form or contact the admissions office at (901) 762-6672 or by email at

Navigating the Application Process

We know you may have several questions about the application process and life at Hutchison. Below you will find the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you don't find the answer to your admissions question, please contact us at (901) 762-6672.


List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Laura Shy

    Laura Shy 

    Enrollment Management Director
  • Photo of Hattie Rounder

    Hattie Rounder 

    Director of Recruitment
  • Photo of Brooke Clement

    Brooke Clement 

    Early Childhood & Lower School Admissions Director
  • Photo of Maureen Collins

    Maureen Collins 

    Middle and Upper School Admissions Director
  • Photo of Christine Armour

    Christine Armour 

    Admissions Operations Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 12 frequently asked questions.

  • How do I start the admissions process?

    Complete the online application for each child applying to attend Hutchison. Receipt of the completed application and non-refundable $85 application fee by the school formally activates the process. A print application packet may be requested from the Hutchison Admission Office at (901) 762-6672.  Apply Online Now
  • How many students attend Hutchison?

    Approximately 800 girls from the Little Hive (2-year-olds) through grade 12 attend Hutchison.
  • When should I apply?

    Our priority deadline for applications is Sunday, December 1. We will continue to accept applications in grades where spaces remain available. We recommend that you apply early, but no later than the fall of the year preceding the desired entry date. With an application on file, the Admission Office frequently will send you information to keep you updated about the life of the school.

    Apply Now
  • What is the birthday cut-off for girls entering your early childhood programs?

    Hutchison has a June 1 cut-off for girls entering our early childhood programs. In other words, a girl entering the Little Hive must be 2-years-old before June 1; a girl entering Pre-Kindergarten must be 3-years-old before June 1; and a girl entering Junior Kindergarten must be 4-years-old before June 1.
  • Will there be any openings in the grade to which my child is applying?

    Each year we have approximately 40 girls in Pre-Kindergarten. Other grade levels may also have spaces, occurring by attrition, for new students. We know the approximate number of openings in each grade in January when re-enrollment contracts are mailed to our current families.
  • What information does the Admission Committee consider and how important are test scores?

    The Admissions Committee carefully evaluates each applicant on her individual strengths and talents. Admission to Hutchison is selective and based on previous school performance, teacher recommendations, results of an entrance test or evaluation, and an interview. While individual test scores for candidates to grades one and above are important, every part of a candidate’s file plays a critical role in the acceptance process.
  • After my daughter completes her assessment/testing, can I be informed immediately about her acceptance?

    As a member of Memphis Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), Hutchison offers contracts in mid-February to new students on a pre-determined date agreed upon by all participating independent schools. This is to your advantage because it allows you to review all of your options before making your final decision. After the February contract date, Hutchison moves to rolling admissions, during which time contracts may be offered to eligible students as spaces become available.
  • Do you have a waiting pool and what does that mean?

    Yes, we do have a waiting pool. (A waiting pool is similar to a wait list, but in a wait pool, students are not ranked as to order of next acceptance.) If a girl goes through the admissions process and is placed in the waiting pool, she may be able to enter before the school year starts, provided a spot opens for her. Our waiting pool does not carry over from year to year. A girl’s placement in the waiting pool one year does not guarantee acceptance for the following year. If she is in the waiting pool and would like to be considered for the next year, she will be re-evaluated at that time. However, it is not necessary to submit another application for that candidate.
  • Does Hutchison offer financial assistance?

    Hutchison offers financial assistance to deserving students who otherwise would not be able to attend our school, and all Hutchison families pay a portion of tuition. Our Financial Assistance Committee reviews information provided by Clarity, an independent third party, as well as other pertinent information submitted directly to the school by the family. Financial assistance grants are reflected in school contracts. Financial assistance decisions are made separately from admission decisions. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at (901) 762-6672.

    Learn More
  • How many Advanced Placement classes are offered in upper school?

    Our Upper School currently offers 24 Advanced Placement classes and more than 50 Honors and Advanced Honors classes in a variety of subjects from Calculus AB and BC to AP Sculpture. The complete list is available in our School Profile.
  • How successful is your college placement?

    One hundred percent of Hutchison graduates attend four-year colleges or universities. The college preparation our girls receive opens the doors of higher learning institutions across the country. Our professional college counseling staff works with each girl individually to find the best college match for her interests and needs. Our girls’ college selections are diverse, as they choose to attend Ivy League schools, large universities, and small liberal arts colleges.

    Learn More
  • Do Hutchison students wear uniforms?

    Little Hive, Pre-Kindergarten, and Junior Kindergarten girls may wear comfortable clothing of their choice. All girls in Kindergarten through Grade 12 wear uniforms in the school colors of black, white, and gold.