Two Hutchison Artists Participate in Summer Fellowship Program

Hannah Pollard ’25 and Nailah Woods ’25 spent the summer growing their skills through the Contemporary Arts Memphis summer fellowship program.
The program provides young artists with three weeks of college-level instruction and participation in specialized workshops with industry professionals, studio time, and peer-focused group discussions. With the program, Hannah and Nailah also traveled to New York for a week, where they visited cultural institutions, met working artists, and toured galleries.

“The fellowship helped me grow a lot and get to know different types of artistic mediums and people,” Hannah said. “I’m learning to break old habits and build new ones. Exploring and growing as an artist is my primary focus.”

Both Hannah and Nailah completed AP Drawing during their junior year, and they are recipients of Mid-South Scholastic Art Awards. Hannah won a Gold Key in Printmaking, and Nailah earned a Silver Key and an Honorable Mention in Drawing & Illustration.

“For the last 10 years, I’ve primarily been drawing cartoons. During the program, I had to push myself toward realism, which made me grow a lot,” Nailah said. “I learned about shape, form, negative space, sighting, and more. Now that I have learned about these new mediums and techniques, I’m more open. I’m painting, doing ceramics, studying art history, and learning printmaking. It helps me understand a lot of things in art: its history and the “why” behind things.”
We can't wait to see how Hannah and Nailah take what they learned from the program and use their new skills to produce amazing artwork during their senior year at Hutchison.

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