Middle School Girls Explore Interests through Excursions Activities
As our middle school girls lead their parent-teacher conferences, we provide them with unique opportunities to expand their horizons.
Excursions are a variety of activities that Hutchison offers for middle school girls as the school holds student-led conferences. They enable us to extend our programming of STEM, the arts, service, and health and wellness in a community-minded way. In addition, the girls take special classes taught by Hutchison faculty and outside experts that teach them different concepts from what they typically study in the classroom.
“These days, as a whole, provide a great opportunity for the girls to think reflectively and comprehensively about themselves, the start of their school year, and where they want to go from here,” Hollis Ligon, middle school assistant head, said.
Excursions this year included creating mosaics, considering their goals through dream boards, and practicing cardio in the Crain Center. Our girls also gained new perspectives as they learned about topics like civil discourse and mental health. By trying something new and learning important life lessons, they strengthen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. “Sometimes, they struggle with unique challenges like building a fidget spinner or solving an escape room, but they don’t give up and they may discover something new about themselves,” Ligon said.
These activities allow our girls to interact with each other and the school we all love in different ways. For example, seventh graders spent part of their Excursions time reading to first graders and kindergarteners, forming bonds with younger girls.
“Excursions give our girls a chance to come together and build shared experiences and memories as a community. It’s amazing to watch them engage with each other in positive and joyful ways,” Ligon said.