Juniors Reflect on How Hutchison’s Campus Has Shaped Them
There’s no place like Hutchison! After reading “The Canterbury Tales” in Kenzie Newman’s English class, our juniors led a modern-day pilgrimage across campus, sharing meaningful locations and personal stories.
As part of their studies of
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, each 11th grader was tasked with selecting a meaningful location on the Hutchison campus to write a brief testament about. Like in the book, each girl led her class on a pilgrimage to her selected spot. From the Abston playground to the Walker Library to the Wiener Theater, different places evoked strong feelings and impactful memories.
This project provided an immersive lesson for our girls and encouraged them to reflect on their experiences, values, and goals, fostering connection and community. Here are some of the words that our girls shared during their pilgrimages:
“Bag in hand with my name stitched into it, I walked into Abston the first time. I was 3 years old, and there are a few things from early childhood that I specifically remember, like our rainforest adventure.
“In this classroom, I made my first friends at Hutchison. It is truly the reason I’m at Hutchison today.”
“The early childhood playground marks where my first friendships were made at Hutchison. The monkey bars and the rocking horses are a large part of my memories growing up in Abston.”
“The green swing in the back is where I made my strongest and longest friendship. It was a place where I could go and be free with my imagination.”
“When I was younger, the ballet room was a time of imagination and play, where we would get into our butterfly stretch and pretend to travel to an imaginary world. My first few years in the ballet room taught me the importance of imagination in play and that not everything has to be taken so seriously.”
“The atrium’s ceilings are high, and the sun is always shining bright through the windows. I love to greet my friends and teachers as they pass by.”
“The math hallway became a significant location for my friends and me. Sitting here in this unexpected corner at the end of the hall helped me grow friendships and realize the importance of community.”
“The class of 2026 has made the most of its commons each year. The junior commons is filled with laughter and joy, and soon, we’ll move on to the senior commons. This represents how much we have changed and developed over the years.”
“The gym is a place where I can enhance my skills, build strength, and improve my overall fitness, which are all crucial for performing well on the volleyball court. It's a space that offers the equipment and environment needed to push my limits and achieve new personal bests.”
“The soccer fields have seen me at my absolute best and my very worst. All the memories from the beginning of the summer to the end of the season are the ones we will always remember.”
“The cardio room in the Crain Center is a place for me to push myself and work towards my dream of going into the professional world of dance that I've had ever since I was a little kid.”
“The Wiener Theater is where I got to embrace something new, and how exploring outside of your comfort zone can lead to fun, new experiences and memories.”
“The library feels cozy and is something that has always been a constant. It shows the progress we have made, and it allows me to feel a sense of tranquility when I am stressed.”
“Standing by the lake, I watched the sunlight glimmer off the water and felt a gentle breeze. I felt a profound sense of peace and belonging in an academic setting.
“I know that every day at 12:00, all of my best friends will be at this table in the Dining Hall, and I will be able to forget about the stress of school for 40 minutes.”
“Throughout my years at Hutchison, there has been change, but one thing has stayed the same - the lunch line. If I were to describe the hot lunch line to someone I’ve never known, I would describe it as a home away from home, a place where you can completely be yourself.”
“The Wiener Theater lobby couch may look simple, but I have made many memories here. Last year, I came to this couch because I knew one of my friends would always be sitting here waiting for me, but because she has graduated, that is no more. So now I sit here on this couch waiting for others. I hope that the cycle repeats and others can find comfort in this couch like I do.”
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