Nine Upper School Students Serving Memphis through Church Health Youth Service Council

Nine Hutchison upper school girls served the Memphis community during the Church Health Youth Service Council’s inaugural year and will continue to serve on the council next school year.
The Church Health Youth Service Council is a group of motivated, service-oriented high school students who gain experience in the field of healthcare and nonprofits by volunteering in various areas at Church Health. To be a part of the council, students must complete three unique volunteer experiences with Church Health, contribute to the operation and function of the organization, and build meaningful relationships with staff and community members.

"I am proud of these young women for taking initiative and using their time and talent to support a worthy organization like Church Health,” said Helen Guyton, Hutchison Serves director.

The following Hutchison girls are members of the council:
  • Sophie Battaile ’25 
  • Liza Blair Benge ’25
  • Kaitlyn Johnson ’27
  • Maggie Miller ’26
  • Kate Neubert ’27
  • Whitney Robbins ’27
  • Suzanne Smith ’27 
  • Virginia Treadwell ’27 
  • Alara Yaren ’27
Through their involvement with the council, students gain knowledge about different healthcare and nonprofit professions, expand their knowledge about the healthcare system, and connect with members of the healthcare community and high school students across Memphis.

“Being part of the council has grown my love for service. It’s nice to have a place where I can go to help people,” Suzanne Smith ’27 said. “I’ve learned so much from everyone at Church Health and all of the people I’ve worked with. I’ve gained many mentors and friends through the council.”

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